Sometimes it's personal
I spent the first 40 years of my life trying to manage the symptoms of multiple misdiagnosed skin issues. In the last 10 years, the situation became intolerable. My skin was in a constant state of compromise. Rashes and dry patches that were once limited to my hands started to appear on my legs, arms, and face.
After trying skin analysis, steroids, biopsies, light therapy and a painstaking review of my personal products-no relief. My dermatologist helped me to manage the symptoms by prescribing an immune suppressant. Like steroids, it felt like a miracle at first, but still didn’t get to the bottom of the issue.
Ultimately, the mystery was solved with a simple patch test for diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis. The test involved an office visit, where the panels were applied to my back. I returned in 3 days to get my results. The test showed that I have a severe sensitivity to both Isothiazolinone and Bronopol. The diagnosis was the beginning of a life-changing journey for me.
Armed with the names of the culprits I researched what was already in my house. It was everywhere: shampoo, conditioner, lotion, face-cream, foundation, dish soap, laundry detergent, cleaning products and more. I was under attack in my own home and everything had to go!
Next, I had to replace my products. It was more challenging than I imagined. The reality is that most commercially produced products contain harsh chemicals that are included to extend shelf life and profits. In my case, there’s no safe exposure, so I needed to find alternatives.
Sources of clean, chemical-free products were not easy to find and that was the inspiration for Seaworthy Naturals. You don’t have to use products that contain chemicals that you can’t pronounce. All our products are made in small batches, from real ingredients.